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Welcome to FCSR!

About FCSR

The Friends of the Clarksburg Services and Recreation (FCSR) is a 501c3 designated, community organization founded in 2019 for the purpose of establishing and supporting public park space in the North Delta region.  FCSR is currently working to create a joint-use Clarksburg Community Park and Aquatic Center in collaboration with the River Delta Unified School District and the County of Yolo. At its core, FCSR believes that access to sports and recreational opportunity builds and connects community while enhancing the health and safety of its residents.


Specific projects included in the Clarksburg Community Park and Aquatic Center are to be determined. In the near future, FSCR will be hosting community meetings at diverse dates, times, and locations to gauge support, priorities, and opinions of local residents. Meeting details will be posted here, on social media, and hard copy at key community locations around Clarksburg and the North Delta.


Projects on the table for discussion include: Re-opening of the community pool, update to an all-weather track, designating a community walking loop, and renovation of existent football field, soccer fields, tennis courts, and baseball diamonds.  All facilities are planned to be joint-use between the Delta Middle & High Schools and the Clarksburg/North Delta community.

Become a Founding Donor

In order for the park to come to life, reliable funding pathways need to be established! Over the next year, FCSR plans to 1) expand its working relationships with county and state governments and local organizations that support the North Delta, 2) identify and apply for grant opportunities to generate capital funding for the project, and 3) establish a financial endowment that will support future annual operations and maintenance costs of the park.


This is where you come in. FCSR needs your help to begin the financial endowment effort. By providing a tax-deductible donation today, you will help fund FCSR’s initial endowment contribution that will in turn be the backbone of how the park pays for itself for years to come.

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